Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Back to the Island!

Good evening fellow bloggers.
                  Its that time again to head on off to the Island. This time I'm more at home and settled in who I am. Going to a DBS (Discipleship Bible School) with YWAM. Had some uncomfortable but very necessary growing pains to get free from the childish egg I was chill in emotionally and spiritually. I can hear from, walk with and talk to God on my own. Transference of dependence from parents to Jesus and trusting that Holy Spirit and intuition working together. Reading THE WORD. GETTING IT IN MY HEART, MIND TO RUMINATE IN MY BELLY/SOUL. Had some immature and misinterpretations about who God is and I'm ready to clear up those misconceptions to get a clearer picture of who He is. Even if He is a mystery, and our minds won't every fully comprehend who God is (even though it would like to but if it did, it would try to control, but He is a person all to Himself! Who does everything for the purpose of love even if it doesn't feel like it at the moment) He loves our seeking because our face is turned towards Him. Immersion, the best way for someone like myself to learn.
                  The way to love is to get outside of yourself but don't forget you are important to. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. How do you love yourself? Its not emphasized but I'm learning it.  Know yourself, own up to your weakness, build your strengths and be ashamed of nothing. For it was all made by God to give him glory. Even sickness, sexualitySinging the song" Baby I"m worth it" all the time because its true! So excited to go through the word. My mind is fully alive because I've found a delicate balance between body and mind.It took work, money and discipline. Found this balance and IT AINT GOING NOWHERES!!
                 Learning not just to hear the the wind but listen to what it says. It takes silence and a trusting stillness to find. That all I need to be is here and now and I AM ENOUGH. I am equipped with all I need for the next season/step and God will equip and teach along the way. Stay teachable!
If God wanted more He would have added. But He works with what we have and where we are at. PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAR. Get those dang thoughts of dread out, we don't need that doubt weighing us down! Let it drive you to know your God.  Anxiety leads to dispare because you have let what is out side overwhelm your insides and you look inside to find nothing but questions but all your soul wants is peace! Which I know who can give you that-  It surpasses your UNDERSTANDING to guard your heart and MIND. Peace comes through trust and trust leads to rest. It happens through surrender- your willfully giving something over. He's personal enough to wrestle with our questions and rebellion. He pushes back because He's got love and blessings to give but we must want them and ask.  Give that worry over- counteract it with who He is/word/truth. Soothe your soul with worship, songs of deliverance, take deep breathes, return to here and now. This is a journey and I'm finally getting that.

TO the Future- to eternity and beyond! Annalyse