Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Monday, January 3, 2011

Just the beginning

Hello fellow travelers of a traveler:)
         Truth is we are traveling. Maybe not to another country but to another destination to the next move in our daily lives. It is January 3rd- a month away from my birthday with three months and four days till departure. Hmmm where to you may ask? Being accepted to a performing arts program in Hawaii for 6 months total with the YWAM organization. It has been an adventure getting the exact location, asking for confirmation and receiving confirmation like crazy from the Lord. Please, if you are searching for a calling or asking the Lord to relocate you a warming is our first inclination is to concern ourselves with searching and get fretful. Instead cry out to the Lord like the major kings did which was to be about face, with arms stretched out on their knees. Position yourself however you need to because believe me the Lord has plans but surrender is the answer rather than conjuring up dreams. Ask the God, who has your best interesting in mind what His plans are for you. As humans searching and striving is in our nature but remember if you believe in God- what He asked of His son was a surrendered life to the point of being on a cross and spit on by people he could have killed in an instant with him embodying all the powers of God. God please let us be that surrendered people you desire so you can have full reign in our lives with the greatest results because of our moment by moment Spirit lead mindset. Thank You God for this journey, that we are included in your plan that you don't need us but we say use me! And to our delight we are included.  Let these next months be of self discovery and reflection in the most intimate level. To my God who I fail most often but His constant character makes Him the most reliable and unconditional love of my life.

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