Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dearest Blog followers,
             It's been almost a year since I last left a message of some sort. So much has changed.
While in Kona Hawaii I received the full portion of the Holy Spirit and got baptized in water.
I said "I don't want to follow God out of obligation or fear. I am here to follow because I want to."
The word want has taken on a whole new meaning. The want indicates a personal choice. God has
had to prove Himself over these last 4 years and its time to keep on keeping on.
Since last September these are some major events:
 Resting and writing in reflection of the revelations received.
Received the job at Nordhoff as a dance costumer/student supervisor
Began Younglife
October, November still resting, fellowshiping with the new group of college students who formed in my home town
 Received a job at a preschool. Let me say the book is no where near hands on.
Became super sick the whole month. 1 week I was super down with period and sickness, parents packing and preparing to move to Blythe. Lost a set of work keys. No bueno.
Birthday month I'm  22!- my friend Matt stepped into my life. Parents moved.
Came and went, friend Matt and I getting closer. Ordering clothes for NHS spring dance concert.
I spent a lot of time at Nordhoff with the girls supervising their rehearsals and practice hours, while helping with other major details for the show. Matt Asked me out and I fought him for 2 weeks then said yes. Began a girls Bible study on campus- which then I found out later it was against school policy. Devised another plan....
Prepared for specific Younglife teens to go to camp. Set up a garage sale, sent out support letters.
June 16th-22nd. Woodleaf young life camp! Returned rested and packed up again for...
June 31-
July 21st was a staff member at Younglife Woodleaf camp base
Rested for 3 weeks while house sitting at the Sloneker's.
I began again at Nordhoff's dance department for the second time around.
Preschool numbers are low so not much work and am searching for another job.
The job at NHS getting into high gear. Broke up with Matt out of obedience.
Received a job with glamour on wheels which hosts princess like parties for girls. Started training 9/15/2012. It's centered in Oxnard. Been having irregular periods, am on a lactose and gluten free diet= amazing!
Any Questions? Email me or leave a comment. annalysemo4jc@yahoo.com
I've been writing like a crazy woman, but its more taxing with the new level of life as an adult and becoming a woman. DETAILS>>>>>I have a new love of organizing and being clean even if it doesn't appear like that in my room or car.
New direction-seeking out schools for dance, teaching, nutrition. Something like that. New goals to eat healthy, get in dancer shape= a lot more consciencous work, intentionality about time and money, take a finances class. Exciting, exhausting, waiting period is a wrestless period for some like myself. You know one must learn rest because the world won't allow it or teach it to you. This is why working in a group, learning how to communicate makes life harder when learning how to do it, but in the long run it saves you becoming ragged. This is why I believe we have so many independent people, because its a challenge to connect......
Its a choice to be dependent on people, and we let each other down all the time. Grace fills in the relational gaps. Life is richer with people, and that is why Jesus chose to share it with 12 others and hold 3 close. Funny how its three, three in the beginning, three during major ministry and it will end with everyone else centered around three. Enough of me! Toodles

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