Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Saturday, September 24, 2011


So relationships…. School of relationships. When I was younger it was all about my body growing, being entertained and keeping my mind busy with something. The world supplied many visuals for what their interpretation of intimacy was but now God has stripped that away It’s time to rest in the person God has created me to be. How was I created to function? How does this function blend in with the other people? What do I add to society? Am I replaceable?

Oh my goodness- intimacy! Why have I never had an intimate relationship before? At least one with the opposite sex. I have my family and bestie but ooooh a man eh? Oh yes so simple but profound is I never received pure intimacy from the one who created it. If we know the real thing we can discern a phony in an instant.This can take so much time! Intimacy- where do you find it? What is your definition of intimacy? Does it have to do with a bed, someone elses naked body and somehow you create a beautiful picture together? Does it have to do with sharing your darkest secrets? Maybe- but where and when did these pictures begin to associate with intimacy?
Truest form of intimacy = knowing someone.  The smallest details, IN’s and outs to the degree that the other person did not know facts about themselves. Yes- In- time-I see (Intimacy). It takes faith, time and a driving interest in this person to continue to get to know them. Perhaps a bit of mystery? I love God’s creativity with languages. In Hebrew the word yada- is only used a few times. Yada- to know, deepest level of intimacy is how a wife knows the husband and visa versa. The verb that describes Adam and Eve’s knowing each other.You can't fully know what that means unless you've experienced it. 
It’s a fountain- it must come from within to go out. From the unseen ground or pipes being channeled to its appropriate place and at the proper time it emerges. Some as streams some as rivers others just land in the ocean. What prevents the flow of healing and restoration that intimacy provides? Always always fear!
              Our generation is finding many substitutes for this intimacy. YOU think of a few. T.V., IPODS, Cellphones, electonics that give without touching or being emotionally available. It’s always giving and we are always taking from it. It needs an electricity source yeah? It can die to- but it has no soul, spirit, emotions. Does it have a mind or mouth? It’s been mentally programmed so it doesn’t say the words need or want. You can program it to say what you want. You do what you want with it. It’s mouth and ears are the speakers which it gives out and only records what you say. You play back yourself yeah? It’s mindless, mouthless, fast, easy. Totally opposite of what a true relationship requires. Dealing with someone with a mind of their own making technology easier to work with because you don’t have to deal with feelings and emotions. Pain! I hate pain, I hate feeling uncomfortable, hate feeling empty.  Technology, you can touch it but not embrace it. You could eat it but um I don’t think that would be a beneficial relationship. Oh did I just say that? Relationship? Are we afraid of this word? Daymmmm. Did I mention time? The R word takes time and ohhh who hates what is hard? Is it not in our nature to avoid the difficult?
 My challenge to those reading- do what is harder first. The obedience has rewards. Share your heart, your mind, your time. If you trust God that He has this down pat- they why don’t you go out and do it. I challenge you because I myself am challenging fear, looking it in the face. I am saying to it “You won’t prevent me from entering into the dream life Jesus died to give me. Here I go to pursue it. Faith I will step out on water and know that God is turned toward me ready to hold my hand.” Will you come on this adventure with me? Let’s let our knees shake together and faint in awe when we see the outcome of our faith.

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