Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Monday, May 30, 2016

Second time around

Dear friends and family. 
  I’m enjoying myself in Hawaii. There is rain, sunshine, rainbows, billowy clouds and my mind is feeding on THE WORD. We are receiving an overview of the bible in chronological order along with some historical information to get into the shoes of the original audience. The first 6 weeks were tough because of the demanding 4:30 am wake up schedule. Circumstances ended up with me being a leader for a group of grumpy morning duty people. I had many discoveries about others and my own personality.  There have been many fuzzy tiring days but oh the moments of elation and revelation! When the dots to connect its especially fun. Now I have an afternoon shift only 2 days a week. A relief. 

I’m growing so much and I am very appreciative of everyone who has been behind me, not just this journey but my previous journey to this campus 5 years ago in 2011. God really has been in the business of forging my character through all the various trials aka unfamiliar circumstances. Refining is the word that comes to mind and I feel His fire during worship. There has been a dying to self which is weird and painful because its like I’m really touching what self is. Redefining what I have done or thought I knew in order to be dumbfounded at how much I don’t know! He’s got a system, I just don’t understand all the parts … yet. Process, process and oh another process part of the journey:)
When my brain is happy by having the right nutrition= food, supplements, sleep and rest it can do what it was made to do. Think well and clearly. I’ve had to wait to receive why God would have me to go to….. Samoa. The YWAM base there is spearheading a new DBS and they need some staff and extra hands to help. God has gifted me with helping birth new ministries and that would be what I am doing in Samoa. With what I am receiving right now, I know I am a teacher at heart. When I teach,  things get cemented into my brain. I want to exercise what I know right off the bat so it really gets ingrained. I can’t do it without support. Their estimated total is about $3,000 (and some...) for 3 months which really isn’t that much. Most outreaches vary from 4-6,000.  This time would help solidify what I have just learned, give me an idea of what staffing is like and learn how to adapt to a new culture for 3 months. This is my time to try out YWAM and see if its what and where God would have me invest into. All that we learn doesn’t go to waste!

Please join me in prayer and finances if the Lord would lead you to do so. 

My Pay Pal will be up soon for contributions. Aloha!

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