Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Schooled by a homeless man

6/18/16 (date of event) Written 6/22/16
So my friend Justin and I went for a walk to the beach. Along the way we were encountered by a rich, displaced homeless man Dean (a rich man that got his goods stolen at the airport, supposedly). He wanted Taco Bell so Justin bought him some. The scripture “I don’t want to gain the whole world but loose my soul” kept repeated in my head but never made and exit out my mouth. He was in good shape, dark sun roasted skin with light green eyes to contrast it. He didn’t have many teeth and told us it was attributed to the Scottish love for fights in his blood that enjoyed drinking. While walking to Taco Bell he divulged most of his background and family. He was a descendent of royalty in Scotland. He admitted his problems with anger and his love for women. Rip curl supported him as a pro surfer, he had his masters in construction and he sculpted rocks and constructed waterfalls. 
By this point we made it to Taco Bell, got his order and were sitting down. He would talk a bunch and eat. His lack of teeth made it harder for him to chew and he would choke on his food occasionally (which was quite a site and i couldn’t help but chuckle at points) I took my motherly que and got water and napkins for the man because he was to busy chatting. This lead into his conversation about Rick Warren, a pastor at Saddle back church that he worked for, being paid 375,000 to construct the waterfalls at the house or church. He met him through working for him and Mr. Warren ministered to him by just being curious about his life. 
A pretty girl invited him to Mr. Warrens church and he mainly went because of her. He was very forward about how he wouldn’t have minded a saturday sleepover before going to church (he had a lose mouth and was unashamed about what he wanted. Many things I didn’t exactly want to hear but part of it was freeing seeing someone unashamed about their humanness.) Justin and I are friends but Dean thought “I was his girlfriend/lady/gal.” I didn’t object and neither did Justin because it was fine to me to let him think that. (protection). This moment Justin and I shared with Dean was all about Dean. 
He was assigned to a small group and Rick Warren was leading it. The connection became deeper as Rick exhorted him how blessed he was. Dean vented to him about his 45,000 divorce court case, his failings in life and how angry he was. Rick was a friend to him and just listened. Our speaker Danny Lehmann had just told us that Rick Warren poured most of his money from his success back into the church and expanded the ministry. Dean was very impressed by how Warren lived out the principles of the Bible. Dean knew parts of the Bible well enough, that he started preaching to us and we were all ears. Dean read the Purpose driven life book and kept repeating the part “I am created to give God pleasure. I give Him pleasure.” No coincidences in life, because I’ve been reading that book and that was the second to last chapter I read. This man was drunk, wanting food and some cigarettes. He was open, funny and gave Justin and I a group hug because he was feeling “energy.” I wasn’t okay with details about the situation but knew God knew and had peace.

He was in a vulnerable place but was confident he gave God pleasure and God loved him.That man seemed more free that I did. He was living on faith and the kindness of strangers. One of them being Dave Swenson the night before. Dave hung out with him and told him about YWAM. (I don’t think YWAM would accept him. If he gave up a few of his habits possibly)  I began to cry as he shared how He believed God felt about him. He began to minister in his state. He would offend many religious folk but thats not who I am. A human who loves God and is trying to find comfort in an uncomfortable living situation. I am being softened and touched by surprising things. He was aware he had a lot by having food, running water and a nice bathroom. Thank you for the perspective check and inspiring me to do the same. I came to the dorms and told my roommates. One of them said “You just got schooled by a rich homeless man)I couldn’t help but cry because I know the Lord is calling me to this kind of confidence about His love for me. When will it go from head to heart knowledge and change my insecure behaviors? Ugh woman in waiting, seeking, reading…..

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