Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

First love...

Truley, the romancer has my attention. The severe critic has been severely softened by the Lord's way of wooing. Princesses I know are real and truth is, every woman is one. She may not see herself that way but based on God's value given to every person, they are worth dying for. What priceless value. The Prince laid His life down. He is the ultimate hero who did not say I love you but actually showed it on the cross.
The words chosen, priesthood, royalty, precious did not sink in till this week.
Should I tell you the whole story.....
Within the first few weeks, a guy I didn't know felt led to pray for me. He saw a tiara fit for my head with jewels of all kinds.He said "You are His princess. He is opening the castle to you and it is time for you to explore." and much more but this will pertain to the point I'm trying to get across. Later that week another man prayed for me saying many wonderful things but one thing stood out was his reference to a purple dress and being an intercessor. Before He said anything I was telling God wanted a new dress and He knows I love purple:)
               .Ha! Flashback- there is a Barbie video with a princess named Annalyse. Who would have known...
The more I thought about being a princess this came to mind: They never fight. They stay in the castle or watch the battle go on. The King sends men to fight for them. Jesus fought + His angels have been fighting for us and our job is to be on the watch. If we see something we must report (through prayer)and hand the cares over to Him. He will do what He sees fit and tell us how to be on guard. Being aware is the greatest defense.
                         The word princess is now in my vocabulary. "A Whole New World"  has been in my head since the second week being here and it has not left me. The word "free choice" has never become so real. God trusts me with decisions. Guess what? God trusts us to make good decisions! That is love- giving us choice. He wants to be with us- but how much do we want to be with Him? If we show Him signs we want to be with Him- How His heart responds so quickly amazes me. I went into this studio for movie making and reporting when God had something different in mind. A friend from another school was in there. I was expressing how it is the first time being on my own. The new question God was asking was "What do you want?" I have heard the I need this or this is what is going to happen and I take instruction quite easily. She said "It sounds like God wants you to explore your options. He is asking you "Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide." The bell of Aladdin rang clear. I have dream parents. They have chosen wisely what is right for me, but now the road is diverting to "What do I need personally? Does Annalyse know what it takes to make her tick properly?" All these are questions of growth and now its trial and error time. Adventure!
                The next morning a friend of mine accompanied me for breakfast. She set her mug down and it read "Aladdin." I'm thinking... are you serious God? I began to laugh and she asked why. The explanation of the recent exposures to the name came and she smiled widely with "I have the movie on my lap top. All I need is a thumb drive." I got my roommates thumbdrive and met her at the cafe while getting Tangled, Aladdin, and Nemo.
                        Another disney princess that I have admired is Pocahantas. I was singing colors of the wind in a bathroom and when I was washing my hands this woman mentioned she had been listening to that song on her computer. We looked at each other and noticed the purple trend. She looked like Pocahantas and we both commented on that as well. Ha! Then during work duty in the kitchen I felt inclined to look behind a stove to find a cap of some sort. What did it say on it? "Pocahantas Foods USA." Dang! He's got it planned out. Annalyse's analyzing cap went on and remembered the Indian Princess was an intercessor. She brought agreement and played an important role. Even if it was unjust she did not want anyone hurt.
          Monday's we have corporate worship in the Ohana Court. A revelation I discovered is I would rather have a heart felt moment than hours of physical expression. I don't want to worship because someone tells me to. I want to do it because I am moved. God is not looking at the outer appearance but at my heart. I want to be genuine in everything. There has been a new move to write images and realizations. That morning I wrote a poem and sensed such peace. I am doing what I want to do. It has to come from within.
             Lately I have been waking up early to meet with other women hungry for the Word to memorize and improv dramas that we sense God is telling us through the Bible. We wrote encouraging notes asking for God to speak through us to other people in the group. The word Diamond appeared three times. Hmmm? In the middle of  Ohana Court worship this Monday the same friend from the studio of movie making came up to me with something in her hand. "The Lord wanted me to tell you that He is so pleased with you and loves you so so much. He has given you freedom to worship in any way you want to. Here is a token of His love and He put it on my heart to give it to you. This is from Him to you."
                 It was a silver chain and a heart shaped pendant with clear stones. The word diamond came to mind. I remember finding a diamond ring in elementary school and returning it to the office. The woman gasped saying "Did you know these are diamonds in this ring? How I know is because there is nothing behind the diamonds, because they need to breath." They weren't crystal, they were diamonds. I knew in my gut but I couldn't believe it . I sparkled on the inside all day. I was distracted with dancing because I kept looking at the heart in the mirror.  Just to confirm what I thought I asked the friend the story behind the necklace. She said it was real silver and they were diamonds! It had been given to her at 14 and said it was time to move on.                        Ha!One night it was decided upon to watch Tangled, when I  wanted to watch Aladdin. A friend of mine said Tangled reminded her of the gospel story in movie. What was Rapunzel wearing? A purple dress. What new identity did she find?  She was a princess. What did she find that belonged to her? Her crown. What had she never seen? The castle and her parents. I saw so much imagery that God has presented within the last three weeks. It's been a wonderland of serious God talk and finding out how He feels about me.I am finding He wants to do this to everyone He created. Do we have the faith to believe what He says about us is real? Why can't we believe? P.S. Do you know what He says you are? Have you read for yourself? It's about time you do that. Identity makes us stand straight and tall in a shaky world.

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