Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Paddleboarding dream came true!

 Here it is. Evidence of the dream! Last Sunday- God kept impressing my spirit to call Joelee. Once I called she said "You calling was the confirmation that we are supposed to go paddleboarding:) Woman to the right bottom is Joelee. The wonderwoman of the ocean who is constantly quoting scripture. She is an aqua instructor, a swim instructor, takes people snorkling and she does night time dives too, when the manta rays come out. To the left is Jeremiah and Emeka- who are actors in the PADTS and you can see why (beautiful people!):)

Above is Asia 13, and to the right is Malia 12 1/2. I had met these girls 2 weeks ago at the beach by the pier. Their uncle runs a boat business taking students on traditional boat excursions. When I went with Joelee, these girls were sitting on the side of the pier. We immediately recognized each other and they decided to call me sister. I have a heart for the youth. They are so precious to me, and precious to the Lord but they need to have the revelation of this love in order to experience it. I know there is a high pregnancy rate on this island in highschools and I have a heart to teach and disciple youth about purity.

                   I have always loved the water since I was a kid. My mom would get frustrated trying to get me out of the pool or ocean. I am returning to the ocean and my love for it too. I like being surrounded by something and the temperature being slightly cold made it so refreshing. Water is known to have the therapy qualities and I believe it has helped my ankle heal and will continue to do so. It has been known to help premautre babies because it has fluidity like that of a placenta and its a comfortable place for them to explore.

                          The water is so blue and clear! It is so salty and my theory behind it is the warmer the water, the greater concentration there is of salt because the warmth dissolves solids much easier than cold water. I could hear the boats and the dolphins sing. Joelee told me to go swim with them. I was a little hesitant because they are wild so I have a healthy fear of the ocean. She said "sing to them". She asked me later what I was doing in PADTS and I told her dancing mainly but I like to write, sing and play guitar. She lit up, "you are the song carrier." We smiled and the adventure ended on the side of the road where she dropped me off.

Thank you so much for following this journey!
Prayers: Our team is getting sick a lot
Injuries keep popping up out of no wheres
Continuation of healing physically and for spiritual break through. 
Financial support for the other team members (Reminder of the donation buttons:)
Our staff is undergoing spiritual attack.
Protection over our communication as a team with all 38 of us left. (Satan loves to deceive through miss-communications and wrong perceptions).

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