Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


            This will be our last day in Japan. A bit sad but yet I see God’s divine timing. The disciples had to trust in their Lord that what they did was enough. They had to trust the Holy Spirit to guard the deposit made in them through their work. It’s beautiful, this life has so many hidden surprises. Who know what in 10 years what fruit will come from a group of unqualified people who desired for the gospel to be set forth into all the nations. Representing Jesus through art, through our spirits being right with God and it being evident with our love shown towards one another. Japan has relaxed towards newer people and ideas because with the tsunami help came people and their beliefs.
            All we have received was thank you’s and generocity. We have received more money from the churches than expected and our budget as a group is amazing! Our staff is blown away by how soon God had the blessing waiting, which was right when we landed. The youth are so hungry to be touched physically and by Jesus himself. What is beautiful is we can embody Him they way He wants to communicate himself to them through us. That is only if we cleanse ourselves to be the instruments of noble purposes 2nd Timothy 2:20-21.
                    They are more of a distant culture and before we left a man who had just returned from Japan encouraged us to break the physical cultural boundary Food and growing closer to each other and the Lord. Our leaders keep impressing us. I have known very little how to get to know others. Mainly observation and asking the right questions. What a gift this time has been. Not the best of keeping up a blog but one must first go through the experience, strategize and be purposeful the next time. The gift to being with people has been so precious. I’ve been learning to trust more and more. God brings back to memory what I am supposed to write. Trusting the Lord relieves. My body feels more rested because I have been delivered from many fears. What sweet sleep, what love to experience.  Truly partaking, not mustering and no more striving. What a rested soul wants to do when its needs are met and intimacy has been accomplished.
              For the practical issues report. Sleeping on the ground has not been an issue and my parents raised me to be open to everything that can be put in my big mouth:0 There are new traditions like taking off shoes before going into the house, their fancy toilets that shoot water in the yes you know zone, bowing when saying conichiwa, not sniffing food when in being served food, eating with needles, eating live octopus…… JK! My body has been more rested because I am being delivered from fears everyday. Trusting Him to take care of His little princess.
              With the gifts God gives, more is required and I am truly feeling this. Being an intercessor, speaking the truth in love and being transparency are three major components to keeping a team alive. If we seek the Lord’s heart out for people through prayer God will grant us more insight to how to love and understanding the person. With speaking the truth, always consult the Lord before hand (as I do a preparation speech because I’m like that…J) and transparency prevents gossip. Gossip is so human when we get annoyed with each other and is always a group struggle. Yet love covers so many issues. The petty one’s get tossed in the wind and the others rise to the surface to bring more unity. There are those socially akward moments where the tension is so thick or attraction can be felt. How to endure the moment: This will be over.
              My love for the Word has only grown. At times I would rather be with the Word than with people. Reading it outloud brings it to lifeJ

 The word Suicide keeps haunting me. When going over bridges, seeing razors, by metro stations, its such a dark subject but it is very prevalent among the Japanese. A seriously high rate. We were in Shebouya walking among the populated streets filled with shoppers, and bright signs with their signs trying to get the people’s attention. In one particular store I felt and uhhh in my spirit and my stomach began to turn. I asked God “Why am I feeling this way?” He said “Listen.” To my surprise I heard the single word “suicide” being played over and over with background music. Is that even music? The customers may not know what is being said but music has such a powerful influence. There are many subconscious messages being sent to us. This is why the armor is so needed to be aware and ready for such small sneaky ways. Christ made our spirits alive but I’m curious what this word is doing to other souls who have not been awakened.
Good report: Technically yesterday was our last day in Japan. We had to head out early on a 19 hour ship ride because of a level 4 typhoon. We left two hours early and missed the arrival of the typhoon by 40 minutes. Isn’t God’s timing perfect? It’s arriving in Korea now and it’s been raining and winds have been roaring J
         God has confirmed over and over again that Brazil will be my next route. Here is more information about the training. I need to begin to apply for a visa hmmm a month in advance. I have 77 bucks in my account at the moment and here is a summary:
§                                                                                                         Operation:John Training School

We are living an unprecedented time in missions. Historically as church we have lived different phases, but never the Gospel was been preached in such a broad way as in this era.
Today we live in what is considered the fourth wave in missions, involving each and every one. Like never before we can look at the world in a more strategic and intentional way the fulfill the great mandate that has been delegated to us. Carrying the message of Good News to every tribe, people and nation.
Our goal as project is intentionally to go where we are not as the body of Christ, crossing the last frontiers and help others to establish pioneering work and ministries.
The vision of Operation: John is to mobilize, train and send teams that like John the Baptist prepare the way for the Kingdom of God, go out as trailblazing missionaries paving the way for others to come and establish pioneer projects.
The trailbalzing teams will work researching, physical and spiritual needs, build bridges and bulding an altar of worship in these places.

As a school we wish to encourage a pioneering and innovative spirit, a worshiper heart and a strategic mind.

The goal of the School is to:
-Promote teamwork through respect and support, encouraging gifts and talents.
-Train students to work in a cross-cultural environment.
-Develop in the students a biblical worldview.
-Teach how to develop research, obtain data, analyze and produce visual material through photo and video.

-Foster a strategic mindset that can bring answer in different spheres of society.
-Generate a missionary lifestyle that promotes intimacy, worship and strategic pioneering.
omote healthy team work, where the students understand their identity and engage as a group serving the same goal.
-Teaching cross-cultural understanding to the students, in a way that they can observe and serve in other cultures knowing how to respect, behave, promoting dignity and respect.
-Teach the students how to see and think things in a biblical perspective.
-To stimulate a pioneering and innovative spirit.
-Teach how to develop research, obtain data, analyze and produce visual material through photo and video.
Promote missionaries that will ministry others from a place of intimacy with God.

The school of Operation: John will cover the following topics:
-Revival and transformation
-Intimacy and lifestyle of an intercessor
-Research (How to get data, interview techniques, writing articles and producing video and photos)
-Apologetics / World Religions
-Emotional Health in the mission field
-Strategic Planning Projects

Practical School:
The outreach in Brazil will be optional.

Upcoming schools:

Training Operation: John in Curitiba
The school will be bilingual.
September 12 to December 1, 2011 (the base of YWAM Curitiba - Uberaba district)
Cost: Registration fee U$ 100 School $ 1000 (for the lecture phase period)
YWAM Curitiba - Uberaba

Training Operation: John Kona
July to September 2012
The school will be bilingual English / Portuguese.
If you are interested in this school please contact us as soon as possible because of the application for a U.S. visa.
Cost: USD $ 3400 (tbc)
Prayer: I’m over thinking. It’s robbing me of even enjoying a movie! Something is about to break. I keep feeling isolated like my mind’s hands have been bound from exploring or questioning. I sense Satan is close by because a huge break through is about to occur.
I need to let go,

Prayer: I desire to be diligent with the $ the Lord has given me. Do I buy gifts? Is this food necessary, do I ask others to cover? What is wisdom Lord? The grace He gives when learning blows my mind. He can cover my mistakes! But do I believe this when it comes to taking a chance? This creates anxiety in me and I believe it does most people. I know being a missionary is a life of faith being dependent on others and the nudging of the Holy Spirit in who to ask. It’s adventurous and chaotic, but in the end Jesus is spread abroad and His fragrance through my lifeJ

Pray for my mind: To look out for others, not to overthink, keeping it set on things above, letting the word renew it. Not depend on my own understanding (SO HARD!) When our minds are feeding us what we see and is constantly painting pictures the glasses need to be clean and unbroken but to many times both occur. I noticed I have been taught much about discretion but it has really interfered with my relationship making and the spirit of conspiracy want to make everyone a villain or something to be wrong with them. It’s such a struggle and where the heck did this come from? I used to trust so easily but it has gotten harder. I need more discernment, I know it’s coming.

So much confirmation about my feet being anointed, hands bring a healing touch, gift of encouragement, and God has given me a heart to hear others, listen to His voice and He shows me many lessons through observation. My prayer has been “Jesus what do you want me to see or hear in this situation? What is the purpose for you pointing these out?”
Huge time of exploration in interests, friendships, relationships and the ultimate question “What do you want?” Not what do I need but what are my deep desires? Can I face the honesty of what is really inside rather than what I know should be the automated response?

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