Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Friday, September 23, 2011

Returning Revelation

Dearest Bloggers and supporters.
                Huge discovery made. One cannot give what they do no have and one cannot live vicariously through the lives of others. God intends for us to experience and know Him for ourselves. My goals have changed tremendously. My faith has skyrocketed.
What is crazy is all our dark moments only let us appreciate the light and refreshment that much more. Our philosophy about life is dependent on how much we know God. KNOW JESUS FOR YOURSELF AND DON’T LET THE OPINONS OF OTHERS STEAL YOUR BLESSINGS THROUGH YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WITH HIM. A broken and contrite heart oh God you cannot dispise.
                    So much happened in Japan and South Korea. So many intimate moments with Jesus- I almost did not want to write about it and keep my hugest blessing to myself. And that would be so selfish which is not love. Love shares and invites others along the journey so they can experience what has transformed every new moment of life. It is living life alongside Jesus making everything okay. As long as you are aware of Jesus being there- trust. Jesus wants to take our hand in marriage, leave our dreams and ambitions at the altar (marriage ,sacrifical, memorial) and let him lead us into His dreams for our lives. He is the originator of every thought and everything we see imaginable.
                  Revelation- God created us in His image. He birthed us from himself and we have that same ability to birth something in our image that resembles us. In that case, we need to treat each other as if we are encountering Jesus because we are ALL made in His image. We reflect the different qualities and facets of His beauty. In turn praise arises in our hearts and this ushers us into worship. We can be doing this all day long, only if the love of God is in us like John talks about. Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are one.  So ….
We must be in the same position as Jesus is with the two others- we must be one. Someone showed me that having the mind of Christ is like being married, the mind and heart are synchronized which means we need to get to know Jesus’s and follow His rhythm. 
            A seed must die, in order to multiply. True resurrection had to happen when Jesus- the seed of all seeds had to die in the ground, be buried. He died to give us seeds of himself to give away and the cycle would progress naturally. We pay forward what has been given to us. Jesus was lifted out of the darkness of hell and He got to experience the sweet taste of coming back to the heavenly home. He understands having to give up and deny in order for the faith of others to multiply. With out His willingness to die, we would have no reason for faith. Believe in something unseen. Believe that what is dead could come to life. Believe He could overcome hell, that he could take the keys of heaven from hell and open the door to heaven for all who believe. Hope opens up opportunities of what if in the positive way when doubt says what if in the negative ways. For those who think they know God- there is always more to know. And for those who do not acknowledge having any personal relationship with Jesus my advice is:  GET TO KNOW GOD, KNOW HIS CHARACTER, HIS EMOTIONS FOR YOU. WHAT A BLESSING WE KNOW A GOD WHO HAS EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS FOR ALL HIS CREATURES MADE IN HIS LIKENESS. Why hmmm, doubt only comes from not knowing. The best part is- He feels for you. And right now is your moment to get to know Him, don’t let this go.  
            Every desire we even think we have must die- for Jesus to be given the opportunity to give true contentment or else we will reach out for any and every counterfeit that seems promising. It’s how we are made and designed- to meet the needs of others and to have our own needs met. These desires are from God but sin has corrupted the proper way to fill our desires. We grow relationships with sin. Repentance is not a hard word. Repent is the most life giving word God could give this earth. Repentance is seeing the error and malfunction, seeing the sin in the self, becoming so broken by it we reach out to say “I’m sorry, I don’t like what I see. Will you please change me?” He then breaks that wrong relationship to that sin, our attempt to fill the God given desire. Then the reward is by being rightly aligned in our relationship with Him. Isn’t this relieving? Why is it so hard to say I’m sorry when it’s the key to letting the bomb go that could explode inside of us and hurt other people?
            Birth Pangs are happening. Birth, new life emerging in the arts and it will happen through the arts because this is what needs to be redeemed. It’s being used in the wrong way. God’s divine nature is an artist. Let's figure out why He created the arts, what it's original intent was for and how He can be glorified through them. Hmmmm What are we created to do and cannot help do all the time? Communicate. Communicating messages with our tones, movement, facial expressions, body language, writing, photography you name a way to communicate.  More to come- Sorry for the wait.

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