Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Being Poured Out

Oh boy! This last week has been amazing and perplexing of how much the Lord has in store for those who just follow and not question. A successful garage sale was put on and $1500 was earned! Helpers and donations flowed in and God keeps whispering "My grace is sufficient for you." People felt the presence of the Lord and many lingered just to talk and get to know what the organization and fundraiser was about. Laughing and uplifting conversation was the result after warring in prayer and against stupid anxiety!!!
Shout out to Club Hope helpers!!!! I love my sisters and brothers- the body of Christ was so unified.
That Sunday was the huge let down- My brain went ka poot.
             Kona beckons me when I look at the back of cars that have the Hawaiian bumper stickers and the tropical weather keeps reminding me where I will be. Prayer:
Japan is one of the possible/planned out reach places- wisdom and direction.
Spending time wisely
Beginning and ending ministry opportunities
Finding time to rest not just physically but spiritually.
Details! Flying- what one can and cannot bring.
Peace about how much I should be preparing dance wise.
Sweet times with Jesus and Friends before leaving.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the H.S.!

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