Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Unexpected blessings

What a dream life to obey, the inklings of the Holy Spirit and to see the fruit of obedience.My will creates havoc, fulfilling the life Jesus planned out for me, alongside His planning out of every living thing- amazes me. Why do I try to control this life? Being a follower is much easier than being a leader, because being a leader means you pave the way for other people. If I follow Jesus, I let all the bushes and branches whack Him first he ha!It is already prepared and I am opening the boxes He created.
                          On Saturday I went half day to the Alleluia Dance retreat, where I was surrounded by amazing strong women who mothered and pampered me, while showering me with encouragement. One of the songs I learned went " How can 5 loaves and 2 fishies make, 12 baskets of food." I loved the child like approach to learning about a story in the Bible through singing. The next morning I decided to skip to John 6 and 5. What do you know! It talked about the 5 loaves and 2 fishes song that fed the 5,000! I love the coinciding passages. Then I read Jesus's questions "'Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?'" I could picture Jesus's smile, thinking- "If you only knew what I can do, it would surprise you. If you would only guess outrageous possibilities like a childs way of thinking." The text after only made me laugh "He asked this only to test him [Philip], for he already had in mind what he was going to do." Oh Jesus's smile of knowing, His eyes glittering and Him ready to boost the faith of the disciples. The beauty of Jesus's testy/challenging personality that wanted to prod the best out of those He loved. The same goes for us- What do we believe God can do? Because the answer to this question can be easy- He can do anything. Can we believe that He will work out our relationships if we ask Him to? Can He cover our finances? Can He answer our prayers?
          He answered many of mine through the Club Hope "Hope and Freedom" event that is all about exploiting human and sex trafficking. Those who I had been praying for at Ventura College came to the event and watched the worship dance God gave me to give to Ventura College. It blessed many and those people came to talk and were drawn to the group of Club Hope. Many want to belong to a place and we drawn many "outcasts" in by a simple invitation of coming to lunch or offering them help with something. It made me tear up seeing the ready hearts that had been soaked in prayer, reaching out to others with the same passion as mine. Ministry through conversation arose and God, I wish I could hug you God- the fact you died for each of these persons. You Jesus, were all about the outcasts and misunderstood because you could identify. I hope and pray the dance gave you glory. Seriously, what does glory do for you? Does it really elevate your character or being? Does it puff up your head with air, with that one discouraging comment that then pokes the hole and all the air you had worked so hard to get from others to puff you up, escapes? It is so much fun being an instrument because like a trumpet the air goes through it and doesn't get stuck anywhere he ha  sss! We are mirrors, glory reflectors. Whatever glory is given to me bounces off of my mirror and beams to God.
              Enough of my thoughts. Let me hear what you think glory for yourself does that is positive. Or you cannot say anything.

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