Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What is instore

Dear Followers,
                     There has been a lot of action the last few days. Ended my 4 day a week job on Friday. One of the girls I watch, was in my room and wanted me to play the guitar. We got down to "Father Abraham" emphasizing "I am one of them and so are you" and expended much energy with our various body parts flinging around till we landed on our cabooses exhausted. I forgot how much fun we can have in simple songs that lead us to larger ideas. The truths we looked over and memorized as children are given greater depths when the Lord brings specific things to our attention.
                    This happened thursday and that night my sister, a friend and a brother all went to Ventura Healing rooms to get prayer. This woman looked at me and said "You are a daughter of Abraham" and told me to look up Deuteronomy 28 talking about all that being children of Abraham promises to us. Christians are grafted into the Jewish inheritance of them being the chosen people through Jesus of course. He was the Jew that made faith available to every person. Isn't that wonderful! It didn't occur to me the pattern of Abraham till that night.Then in my personal study the next morning I had been syncing with John 7 and 8. Later in chapter 8, verse 31 was titled " The Children of Abraham"  NO COINCIDENCES WITH GOD.  It beautifully written using the Jewish culture of the son keeping the slave. If the "Son sets you free, you will be free indeed"- the Son has set us free! We are free indeed. Jesus is describing himself being the son- but He lets the Holy Spirit reveal to the Jews this truth. Because the Jews had not received the revelation from the Lord they could not understand. I thought hmmm that is tricky Jesus because you were referring to yourself. I don't know if I would have caught on that quick either. Jesus was an intriguing speaker. Would you have understood? After you read the passage tell me what you think:)

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