Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I guess little creatures like beach lice followed me home. I have around 12-13 bites on my body and I have to now change/disinfect/spray repellent. The last 2 days have been full of sneezing and congestion. Trying to discern whether its the bog (the ash air from the Kona volcano) that is affecting my sinuses or whether it is sickness. I took an antihistamine but it did not do much therefore I believe its the latter because last night it was hard for my body to keep warm and my throat has tightened up. I've been praying over my room and my roomates that they would not contract what I have. I need your prayers.
                 I love being up early hearing the island wake up before everyone else. I called the mongoose mini ferrits for a while and found an area where hummingbirds congregate. The geckos have the glowing green colors with bright coral dots on their backs. I will put up pictures don't worry. There are saffron canaries that are a rich yellow and it reminds me of my Grandma Robles because she loves birds and would oohh and ahh at them with her binoculars. There are many spiders who perch themselves in inconvenient places so we have to crash their parties a lot.
               It is a bit overwhelming having 7 room mates and I do find myself getting frustrated with how unclean girls can be:) I'm so used to having my space to talk to God outloud and when I don't just speak outloud here I feel caged inside. There is an invisible wall that the Lord is teaching me to break through with my words and willingness, to speak on behalf of everyone.
             There are 39 students in my performing arts DTS and I have such a heart for them. God is pouring amazing amounts of love into everyone for each other through the Holy Spirit. Such transparency and support can be found in each other. What is there to hide in Christ? The shame indicates a thinking of I will be thought less because.... when the one who really matters is already smiling at us and waiting to forgive us. People of all stages in their walk are here and I am learning to adjust my knowledge and be open to others. God is very much at work confirming a specific place He wants me to go and it is very exciting seeing what the Lord has prophetically giving me come into fruition. This does feel like home- yet my body seems to be opposed at first.  So much freedom here, and it must be fought for because Satan hates that we are taking what is ours when He wants to steal it back. Ha!
                  I have a spiritual warfare book in my room and my roommates+ other girls from separate rooms want to join in on a Bible study yeah!!!! We want to be equipped women of God, ready to war for what matters in our lives. Learn about the invisible realm  and get the sword out. I know much is going to happen and I get to witness others lives being radically transformed into the likness of Jesus. Testimonies and how people got here are crazy! We have such a colorful God who is the artists trying to portray His heart with what He has made.

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