Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Friday, April 8, 2011

Aloha and Sianara

 Dearest bloggers
               God gave me an over the top farewell party held by dear companions at a friends house. My sister had everyone write notes and put them in a beautiful sunflower box she present to me in front of everyone and people shared stories of how God impacted them through me. So humbled by the praise and the prayer that followed the receiving of the letters. I have decided to read one each day so it will last longer. My Auntie hosted dinner one night and my grandma made me a dinner and favorite German Chocolate cake the last night. Friends were visited and telephone calls made and received by family. Talk about family being a support like a mattress under you ...Dang!
         Okay 4:30am came quicker than anticipated. Showered and left at 5:10. I am so grateful for my daddy accompanied me. The minute we arrived at the airport we found that our plane ride was canceled so.......... By 8 we had a bit of a walk from the Hawaiian to the United Airline, then a 20 minute wait in line for baggage check. I was at the do it yourself baggage weighing place and my new confirmation went in but the touch screen kept saying "FLIGHT 57 IS FULL." Then prayers came for favor and an exception to the rules. The woman at the station kept saying that it was full and that baggage was supposed to be in 45 minutes before an 8:53 flight and it was 8:30 by the time I got my ticket. Thankfully they took my baggage in a hurry and said it was possible that I wouldn't receive it at the airport. My dad and I rushed to the metal detectors, where we departed.  I was fast walking to the yellow sign "gate 77"with my carry on, laptop and satchel until I heard "LAST AND FINAL CALL FOR ANNALYSE OLIVAS AT TERMINAL 77." I was the last person on that plane after running like some warrior woman to the gate. I sat in my seat that had 3 free seats, thinking that scene was like a movie:) The flight change was a blessing in disguise because I originally wanted a direct flight to Kona and that is what happened.
                      The flight was peaceful and I enjoyed the turbulence while others were throwing up. Poor people. There were these two blue eyed brothers who had never been on a plane and their expressed excitement was refreshing. Could see the white rolling lines of the shore from my seat- what a site from above. They YWAM staff was so helpful getting my luggage and were warm with their welcome. Registration came and I figured out that I had over paid online and that they do payments in increment rather than one huge one. The bank situation is not stress ful- heck I am not going to stress when in Hawaii or Hav vaieee:)
       Goodie! The arrival day did not have any structure and I saw that most people were like myself wandering around aimlessly 1/2 awake wondering what to do with the free time after dressing our beds.  Welcoming ceremony was a site to see with the dancers all outfitted and the men firm in their stance and jaw line set. Loren Cunningham came to Hawaii and talked this morning! What a treat to have the founder of YWAM with us and his wife Darla will be speaking in the next few days. We are praying for one of our team members to be coming from the Ivory Coast, where war has broken out and he is in a safe hiding place. He needs to get home to pack and then get to the airport. War is nothing to mess around with.
        Jesus is so visible in the small details of everyday life. He is showing me what and who to release in His hands. He is confirming over and over and I am learning the hearts ways and His heart for the nations. My roommates are so sweet! We have opened up our clothes, products and hearts to one another. So supportive. I'll be back! Aloha!

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