Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Paddleboarding dream came true!

 Here it is. Evidence of the dream! Last Sunday- God kept impressing my spirit to call Joelee. Once I called she said "You calling was the confirmation that we are supposed to go paddleboarding:) Woman to the right bottom is Joelee. The wonderwoman of the ocean who is constantly quoting scripture. She is an aqua instructor, a swim instructor, takes people snorkling and she does night time dives too, when the manta rays come out. To the left is Jeremiah and Emeka- who are actors in the PADTS and you can see why (beautiful people!):)

Above is Asia 13, and to the right is Malia 12 1/2. I had met these girls 2 weeks ago at the beach by the pier. Their uncle runs a boat business taking students on traditional boat excursions. When I went with Joelee, these girls were sitting on the side of the pier. We immediately recognized each other and they decided to call me sister. I have a heart for the youth. They are so precious to me, and precious to the Lord but they need to have the revelation of this love in order to experience it. I know there is a high pregnancy rate on this island in highschools and I have a heart to teach and disciple youth about purity.

                   I have always loved the water since I was a kid. My mom would get frustrated trying to get me out of the pool or ocean. I am returning to the ocean and my love for it too. I like being surrounded by something and the temperature being slightly cold made it so refreshing. Water is known to have the therapy qualities and I believe it has helped my ankle heal and will continue to do so. It has been known to help premautre babies because it has fluidity like that of a placenta and its a comfortable place for them to explore.

                          The water is so blue and clear! It is so salty and my theory behind it is the warmer the water, the greater concentration there is of salt because the warmth dissolves solids much easier than cold water. I could hear the boats and the dolphins sing. Joelee told me to go swim with them. I was a little hesitant because they are wild so I have a healthy fear of the ocean. She said "sing to them". She asked me later what I was doing in PADTS and I told her dancing mainly but I like to write, sing and play guitar. She lit up, "you are the song carrier." We smiled and the adventure ended on the side of the road where she dropped me off.

Thank you so much for following this journey!
Prayers: Our team is getting sick a lot
Injuries keep popping up out of no wheres
Continuation of healing physically and for spiritual break through. 
Financial support for the other team members (Reminder of the donation buttons:)
Our staff is undergoing spiritual attack.
Protection over our communication as a team with all 38 of us left. (Satan loves to deceive through miss-communications and wrong perceptions).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Revelation is coming:)

I want to change the world, but I cannot you see
I cannot change anything till it happens inside of me
The devils I see aren't devils at all
The dislikes in myself can be credited to the fall
But what makes this fact bright
Jesus still still loves me, even in my darkness despite

Where can I go from your spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence
If I go up to the heavens, you are there:
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I settle on the far side of the sea
even there your hand will guide me

The call to be next to absolute purity
Can this happen? I know I'm so unworthy
Yet the blood did it all
Covers me, redeems the fall
My past, present and future sins
Are consumed in the fire, in sheol
I now can take a deep breath in.

Satan loves to pray on vulnerability
loves to twist words and sincerity
Miscommunication his specialty
His voice tries to echoe in my head
If it was his choice he would leave me for dead

The master of lies and manipulation
keeps oppression still and steals expectation
till the repentance tears tear the tents
built in my mind for defense
to cover my human tendencies

Written 3 days ago:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

What is underneath your tree?

Every week we have a different speaker talking about specific subjects from 9-12am for 5 days. This week's speaker was Chris Colby- a woman to be respected for planting nursing schools in the middle east (not sure where). She has also studied world views and how they are formed. She thought her value came from her education when she heard Derek Prince talk on "Do you realize how valuable you are?" Please listen to it!
            Have you ever asked yourself- what is behind my behavior? Why do I do these things, think this way, speak this way? It all stems from somewhere and this is a process we constantly go through out life. Abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, what a man thinketh so he is and guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Using the tree as the imagery to describe us as people, roots represent beliefs, foliage= ideas, then the fruit is the result of the beliefs lived out everyday. What happens is our behavior represent what the roots have absorbed. Either you'll find lies or truth. Lies are so easy to absorb because they appeal to us as truth or something solid when they are not. The work of personal transformation cannot begin until you hand God your tree and let Him uproot and shake you to see what fruit/behavior will fall. Once you let Him do this you see the fruit. If you don't like what you see..don't worry! We are all subjects to change and if you see something you don't like it, tell God your heart, ask for revelation because He is so faithful to show you!!! Submitting everything relieves us even though our pride hurts. It is a good hurt. Yes:) Once you tell God you want something new to fill the old way of reacting- this is where the word needs to replace the lies. Open the \Word and search for how the Lord views you:)
             I must go- but its been exciting! More to come:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1/2 way mark

Dang! Half way mark already:) Where to begin ohhh my..... The performing arts DTS is one of those DTS's where the body becomes the target for attack and it is so true! Health- please keep it in mind with prayers.  Injuries pop up out of no where- sickness through fevers and flu have been an invasion to our team. The buggies are having a munch fest on my body still. Ankle- its so hard to not dance on it. Yet when I don't dance, relationship opens up.    God had to realign my thinking this past week. The kinks serve as reminders from God who lovingly spells it out through the Word- I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Who wants to follow a commander/authority they don't know behind the scenes? Their ins and outs. How is respect built? Through KNOWING and spending the time to BUILD RELATIONSHIP. It is not established at once through a sinners prayer. It's not an idea of doing and getting results.We have made relationships to easy. Talking is invisible, you cannot see spoken words but the connections they establish are eternal and their exchanges have such dramatic affects.
              My classmates are amazing me. I wish my eyes could have cameras so you can see all of them and witness the change like I have. God has written everyone's story and every step we take is leading to the next destination. I love how He does it differently for each person. No story is alike so STOP COMPARING! That has been a huge hinderance in my class is comparison because they are unsure of their walk with the Lord or they feel like they have to be like someone else to please Him WRONG!
                          His faithfulness can be seen through the sunsets and sunrises. This is crunch time when things become crazy and the conflicts begin to rise to the surface. I am seeing God through new lenses and I know I am secure yet at the same time my mind is being renewed and transformed and that seems like a boey bouncing in the water. I am learning about the lies that I have lived in about myself which then hamper the joy of living life and effectiveness in ministry. In all reality, everyone has those part they are working on, but Satan has no right to tell me anything other than what the word of God has said ( Which he would never remind me). READING GOD"S LOVE LETTER IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT! Ephesian's is my friend in how to gear up. God has made me a naturally vulnerable person but it seems as though there have been places in my heart that have affected me more than I knew. Satan reminds me of the plankton on Sponge Bob- where the little weirdo keeps trying to amplify himself anyway he can, his mouth gets others confused and he doesn't have the best in mind for those around him. Ha- and he lives in the ironic Bikini Bottom.
            In total there are four dances I will be in- Hula to "The Prayer" Hawaiian version, Mighty Spirit, Tahitian and the couples dance. The moves are only part of the dance to work with but the heart speaks louder. I am enjoying the couple's dance with my brother Frank who is my partner for now. We both don't have it all together but we have a fun connection and end up laughing together walking out of the studio. The girls in the dorm corridor (picture will be up soon) are free to give and are all so friendly. They emphasize living community style as in lend and give freely. If one has a need know that God gave you what you have so it is not yours to begins with. That too is a part of stewardship by supplying the body of Christ with what they have even if it is little.
             There is this precious time with Jesus and I, but I have carried other issues and concerns here that I didn't think would affect me so much. Relinquishing rights means smack down surrender. We will hold on-as humans attachment is part of our nature but the Holy Spirit gives us the timing to embrace and time to refrain. Living the life of faith is a rush- and I want to live it. Yet God gives us a choice and it is wise to count the cost, like we learned in class. To give God the time to really ponder His word and all that most would leave behind. My heart is really feeling the Bible, and the Holy Spirit is breaking these walls that have made the pages to thick to feel. Now is the time to practice washing people's feet and it begins with those we live with.
           The colors here are so rich and I enjoy spending time by the ocean and the two water fountains they have on campus. I do believe the waters have a healing sound and affect on the body. Time to rest the soul, time to receive from the Lord. Any Curious Questions you would like to ask? Please do so! Make this thing interactive rather than a journal entry. I am so grateful for all the eyes that have looked upon this page. Buenos noches!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Out Reach Fee #2

How to Contact Ekkehart:
Email: ekkehart.h@gmail.com
Skype: ekkehart.h

Dear Friends and Family,
        I am fortunate to have all my lecture phase fees paid off. I have been so blessed yet others have had a different route hearing from the Lord last minutely and out of obedience they came without total financial covering. My friend Ekkehart Hoenen is a complete gentleman and his heart so aimed toward the Lord. I have been privileged to get to know him thus far. He is from South Africa and turned his life around for the Lord the second year of his electrical engineering path and took Bible college courses alongside His university education. He has used his strengths to reach and teach the youth of Barbados and South Africa. He heard from the Lord to “go out and dance with the joyful” from Jeremiah and that he is doing in the Performing Arts Discipleship Training School.
 He is such a servant and desires the best for others. He is an example for young men in our group and is a valuable asset to our whole group.. Fortunately he has the lecture phase covered but for outreach to South Korea and possibly Japan, he needs around 3,500 to complete the total cost. He has developed God’s father heart for orphans and has been supporting an orphanage in Malawi Africa and hopes to build a website alongside every day work, but because he is being called in YWAM for this season he cannot afford to continue supporting them. We will be fundraising on campus as much as possible alongside the donors efforts.  Prayerfully consider giving. 

                                                 From my heart and hopes,
                                                             Annalyse Olivas

Outreach Fee's

How to Reach Bri Anne:
Skype: bri.anne.miller 

Hello Family and Friends,
              It is in the fourth week of lecture phase of the DTS. Praise God, I have all my expenses paid.  Yet ….there are others who came more on the spare of the moment and not all the money has arrived. I am introducing my friend Bri Anne Miller who has had a diverse life and I see God’s plans of using her in dynamic ways. She to is a dancer who has studied Israeli style dancing since she was four and at eleven she began jazz and tap. She has a big heart to speak for others through her writing and sign language gifts. When I first met her I underestimated her abilities hidden behind her reserved nature. For instance she has written an autobiography on a family member during a traumatic time. It is on its way to being published.

She grew up in Oregon in a Messianic home with 3 older siblings and parents deeply involved in ministry. Her vision is to combine communication and performing arts to educate those in how to communicate with the aid of performing arts to represent the people in need. Two weeks prior to this DTS she was given the opportunity to go to China for 1 ½ months. Our outreach happens to be South Korea and Japan. If you sense God's tug to donate towards her fee's, there is a PayPal Donation button on my blog under followers. We will need 6,000 in all and right now she has 1,500. She will need 2,500 by the end of tomorrow in order to purchase a plane ticket. By the beginning of June all fee's must be paid. If the Lord would lead you to do so thank you already:)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 3

It has been way way to long. There will be more consistency:)
            My roomates are awesome. Two from Korea, one from Iceland, one from Norway, one from Oregon and the other from North Carolina. There are 5 DTS's going on at one time. The roller coaster has just begun and its week four. This Tuesday there was corporate worship in the Ohana Court, where everyone on base gathers. I twisted my ankle dancing and have been on the road to recovery since. Ice 3 times a day, ibuprophen and elevation. It is getting better:) My mind was the weaker place because things kept saying you were doing it for the wrong reasons... yata yata. People have been coming up me saying "When you dance, something inside of me moves" or " God is so happy with His little girl dancing for Him at the recital." Encouragement all around.
                    I believe the mini injury has had its purpose to realign my mindset that I am not here to dance but to "Know God and make Him known" as the YWAM mission says. It also made me more aware of others, to observe them closer and listen better. It has had it's purpose and thank the Lord for the reminder.
              There has been much spiritual warfare since week one. Sickness, then pestilence (the bugs like to kiss me but I am not reciprocating their affection), my camera broke but it got exchanged at costco (few!), friend of mine had been undergoing mental battles, and then myankle ditty. A guy in my group got chicken pox, two other guys had ankle injuries, a friend fell in the rain and was out for a week. Oye! It has been one theme repeating itself. I am reading "Spiritual Warfare for every Christian" by Dean Sherman. Ephesians owns my life! Speakers have been emphasizing the armor of God, No confidence in the flesh, and the first chapter listing the blessings all Christians. I am stirred to begin a study group specifically for Spiritual warfare because many other girls in the dorms want to be equipped warriors as well. .

                       Every week the curriculum is mainly based on a speaker we have from 9-12 am and this week we have had the priviledge of Loren and Darlene Cunningham along with David Dawson. I was a busy scribe trying to record all the notes but sometime i just had to put the pen down and drink it in.
                  This weekend has been filled with divine appointments. Especially Friday night in the prayer room. It had a mini typhon with rain that created mini rivers in 5 minutes. I love creating in the rain- its an inspirational time personally. I ran to this 24/7 prayer room and as soon as I walk in I heard this woman playing the piano with such a unique voice ahhh! Then after being there for 2 minutes another friend began to play the African drum and that was it. I had to dance. The injury made me reach deeper and create movement avoiding the left ankle. The three of us began to feed off one another and the Spirit filled this place. After the 10 minutes all three of us gathered and were so amazed at what had just happened. Another woman came up and was really touched by everything she witnessed. I had been asking the Lord for vision and the pianist said she received pictures and I wrote them down. She is from San Francisco! Ended up praying with another woman who had another word from the book of Ephesians! God always wants to speak, He waits for us to listen.
         Saturday was a class trip to Hapuna Beach, with the white sands and clear waters. We did all the beachy things, took pictures with the underwater camera that now works and ate a beautiful Korean style BBQ. Yum! Guitar players filled the air with their notes and girls with their voices in harmony, while fellowship flowed in the background. Peaceful and tiring from the sun.
              Sundays are the off days and luckily the churches around the area provide the transportation/shuttles for students to attend from YWAM. I caught the last shuttle to Living Stones Church. The pastor talked about Ephesians 1:15-30. All about the hope, power and riches we have in Christ. He had an amazing point. Most Christians only function in how much they know, yet we know so little of how much we have in Christ. He called this potential energy and when we increase the knowledge with the activation of faith it becomes kinetic energy where it is taking the ball somewhere. He also discussed how much messed up thinking Christians have about how God views them. This is considered bondage and bondage is a negative fortress that surrounds our mind. We want God's fortresses to protect and guard us, not our mental captivity of fear and pride to keep us inside the fake fortress. This is why we need to constantly ask God what He wants to break in us.
            I have been looking longingly at paddle boards everytime I go to the beach. I tell God "How would I afford a day on one of those." Before leaving the church this spirit led woman approaches me saying " I know God wants me to pray for you. There is something you've hurt" I point to my ankle. She goes on "You have a word for a friend of mine" I'm thinking okay I'm open. She began to pray so precisely and God gave me the precise word for her friend. Come to find she is a paddle board instructor and she wants to take me for a ride this week. I am assuming its for free. We connected in the spirit and it bolstered my faith knowing my desire for this came to me rather than me looking for it or having to bargain for it. Crazy;)
                             Our team is about 1/2- 1/3 Korean and there are 39 of us. Many individuals to get to know. We need unity and protection over our bodies. We are all changing so much and learning how to encourage, manage our time, clean our rooms, being community minded souls to give what I need to my brother before my own. I am very fortunate to have all lecture and out reach fee's.  Our team has people who are not all the way paid for $6,000  outreach and would greatly appreciate donations. We are coordinating fundraisers and ways to get quick cash. If God would lead you to donate please please call me at 805 620 2866. I'll help arrange ways to get the money here. Thanks for reading another blog- God is on the move.