Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Out Reach Fee #2

How to Contact Ekkehart:
Email: ekkehart.h@gmail.com
Skype: ekkehart.h

Dear Friends and Family,
        I am fortunate to have all my lecture phase fees paid off. I have been so blessed yet others have had a different route hearing from the Lord last minutely and out of obedience they came without total financial covering. My friend Ekkehart Hoenen is a complete gentleman and his heart so aimed toward the Lord. I have been privileged to get to know him thus far. He is from South Africa and turned his life around for the Lord the second year of his electrical engineering path and took Bible college courses alongside His university education. He has used his strengths to reach and teach the youth of Barbados and South Africa. He heard from the Lord to “go out and dance with the joyful” from Jeremiah and that he is doing in the Performing Arts Discipleship Training School.
 He is such a servant and desires the best for others. He is an example for young men in our group and is a valuable asset to our whole group.. Fortunately he has the lecture phase covered but for outreach to South Korea and possibly Japan, he needs around 3,500 to complete the total cost. He has developed God’s father heart for orphans and has been supporting an orphanage in Malawi Africa and hopes to build a website alongside every day work, but because he is being called in YWAM for this season he cannot afford to continue supporting them. We will be fundraising on campus as much as possible alongside the donors efforts.  Prayerfully consider giving. 

                                                 From my heart and hopes,
                                                             Annalyse Olivas

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