Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 3

It has been way way to long. There will be more consistency:)
            My roomates are awesome. Two from Korea, one from Iceland, one from Norway, one from Oregon and the other from North Carolina. There are 5 DTS's going on at one time. The roller coaster has just begun and its week four. This Tuesday there was corporate worship in the Ohana Court, where everyone on base gathers. I twisted my ankle dancing and have been on the road to recovery since. Ice 3 times a day, ibuprophen and elevation. It is getting better:) My mind was the weaker place because things kept saying you were doing it for the wrong reasons... yata yata. People have been coming up me saying "When you dance, something inside of me moves" or " God is so happy with His little girl dancing for Him at the recital." Encouragement all around.
                    I believe the mini injury has had its purpose to realign my mindset that I am not here to dance but to "Know God and make Him known" as the YWAM mission says. It also made me more aware of others, to observe them closer and listen better. It has had it's purpose and thank the Lord for the reminder.
              There has been much spiritual warfare since week one. Sickness, then pestilence (the bugs like to kiss me but I am not reciprocating their affection), my camera broke but it got exchanged at costco (few!), friend of mine had been undergoing mental battles, and then myankle ditty. A guy in my group got chicken pox, two other guys had ankle injuries, a friend fell in the rain and was out for a week. Oye! It has been one theme repeating itself. I am reading "Spiritual Warfare for every Christian" by Dean Sherman. Ephesians owns my life! Speakers have been emphasizing the armor of God, No confidence in the flesh, and the first chapter listing the blessings all Christians. I am stirred to begin a study group specifically for Spiritual warfare because many other girls in the dorms want to be equipped warriors as well. .

                       Every week the curriculum is mainly based on a speaker we have from 9-12 am and this week we have had the priviledge of Loren and Darlene Cunningham along with David Dawson. I was a busy scribe trying to record all the notes but sometime i just had to put the pen down and drink it in.
                  This weekend has been filled with divine appointments. Especially Friday night in the prayer room. It had a mini typhon with rain that created mini rivers in 5 minutes. I love creating in the rain- its an inspirational time personally. I ran to this 24/7 prayer room and as soon as I walk in I heard this woman playing the piano with such a unique voice ahhh! Then after being there for 2 minutes another friend began to play the African drum and that was it. I had to dance. The injury made me reach deeper and create movement avoiding the left ankle. The three of us began to feed off one another and the Spirit filled this place. After the 10 minutes all three of us gathered and were so amazed at what had just happened. Another woman came up and was really touched by everything she witnessed. I had been asking the Lord for vision and the pianist said she received pictures and I wrote them down. She is from San Francisco! Ended up praying with another woman who had another word from the book of Ephesians! God always wants to speak, He waits for us to listen.
         Saturday was a class trip to Hapuna Beach, with the white sands and clear waters. We did all the beachy things, took pictures with the underwater camera that now works and ate a beautiful Korean style BBQ. Yum! Guitar players filled the air with their notes and girls with their voices in harmony, while fellowship flowed in the background. Peaceful and tiring from the sun.
              Sundays are the off days and luckily the churches around the area provide the transportation/shuttles for students to attend from YWAM. I caught the last shuttle to Living Stones Church. The pastor talked about Ephesians 1:15-30. All about the hope, power and riches we have in Christ. He had an amazing point. Most Christians only function in how much they know, yet we know so little of how much we have in Christ. He called this potential energy and when we increase the knowledge with the activation of faith it becomes kinetic energy where it is taking the ball somewhere. He also discussed how much messed up thinking Christians have about how God views them. This is considered bondage and bondage is a negative fortress that surrounds our mind. We want God's fortresses to protect and guard us, not our mental captivity of fear and pride to keep us inside the fake fortress. This is why we need to constantly ask God what He wants to break in us.
            I have been looking longingly at paddle boards everytime I go to the beach. I tell God "How would I afford a day on one of those." Before leaving the church this spirit led woman approaches me saying " I know God wants me to pray for you. There is something you've hurt" I point to my ankle. She goes on "You have a word for a friend of mine" I'm thinking okay I'm open. She began to pray so precisely and God gave me the precise word for her friend. Come to find she is a paddle board instructor and she wants to take me for a ride this week. I am assuming its for free. We connected in the spirit and it bolstered my faith knowing my desire for this came to me rather than me looking for it or having to bargain for it. Crazy;)
                             Our team is about 1/2- 1/3 Korean and there are 39 of us. Many individuals to get to know. We need unity and protection over our bodies. We are all changing so much and learning how to encourage, manage our time, clean our rooms, being community minded souls to give what I need to my brother before my own. I am very fortunate to have all lecture and out reach fee's.  Our team has people who are not all the way paid for $6,000  outreach and would greatly appreciate donations. We are coordinating fundraisers and ways to get quick cash. If God would lead you to donate please please call me at 805 620 2866. I'll help arrange ways to get the money here. Thanks for reading another blog- God is on the move.

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