Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Monday, May 23, 2011

What is underneath your tree?

Every week we have a different speaker talking about specific subjects from 9-12am for 5 days. This week's speaker was Chris Colby- a woman to be respected for planting nursing schools in the middle east (not sure where). She has also studied world views and how they are formed. She thought her value came from her education when she heard Derek Prince talk on "Do you realize how valuable you are?" Please listen to it!
            Have you ever asked yourself- what is behind my behavior? Why do I do these things, think this way, speak this way? It all stems from somewhere and this is a process we constantly go through out life. Abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, what a man thinketh so he is and guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Using the tree as the imagery to describe us as people, roots represent beliefs, foliage= ideas, then the fruit is the result of the beliefs lived out everyday. What happens is our behavior represent what the roots have absorbed. Either you'll find lies or truth. Lies are so easy to absorb because they appeal to us as truth or something solid when they are not. The work of personal transformation cannot begin until you hand God your tree and let Him uproot and shake you to see what fruit/behavior will fall. Once you let Him do this you see the fruit. If you don't like what you see..don't worry! We are all subjects to change and if you see something you don't like it, tell God your heart, ask for revelation because He is so faithful to show you!!! Submitting everything relieves us even though our pride hurts. It is a good hurt. Yes:) Once you tell God you want something new to fill the old way of reacting- this is where the word needs to replace the lies. Open the \Word and search for how the Lord views you:)
             I must go- but its been exciting! More to come:)

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