Go God on Island Girl 2

Go God on Island Girl 2
Part II

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1/2 way mark

Dang! Half way mark already:) Where to begin ohhh my..... The performing arts DTS is one of those DTS's where the body becomes the target for attack and it is so true! Health- please keep it in mind with prayers.  Injuries pop up out of no where- sickness through fevers and flu have been an invasion to our team. The buggies are having a munch fest on my body still. Ankle- its so hard to not dance on it. Yet when I don't dance, relationship opens up.    God had to realign my thinking this past week. The kinks serve as reminders from God who lovingly spells it out through the Word- I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Who wants to follow a commander/authority they don't know behind the scenes? Their ins and outs. How is respect built? Through KNOWING and spending the time to BUILD RELATIONSHIP. It is not established at once through a sinners prayer. It's not an idea of doing and getting results.We have made relationships to easy. Talking is invisible, you cannot see spoken words but the connections they establish are eternal and their exchanges have such dramatic affects.
              My classmates are amazing me. I wish my eyes could have cameras so you can see all of them and witness the change like I have. God has written everyone's story and every step we take is leading to the next destination. I love how He does it differently for each person. No story is alike so STOP COMPARING! That has been a huge hinderance in my class is comparison because they are unsure of their walk with the Lord or they feel like they have to be like someone else to please Him WRONG!
                          His faithfulness can be seen through the sunsets and sunrises. This is crunch time when things become crazy and the conflicts begin to rise to the surface. I am seeing God through new lenses and I know I am secure yet at the same time my mind is being renewed and transformed and that seems like a boey bouncing in the water. I am learning about the lies that I have lived in about myself which then hamper the joy of living life and effectiveness in ministry. In all reality, everyone has those part they are working on, but Satan has no right to tell me anything other than what the word of God has said ( Which he would never remind me). READING GOD"S LOVE LETTER IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT! Ephesian's is my friend in how to gear up. God has made me a naturally vulnerable person but it seems as though there have been places in my heart that have affected me more than I knew. Satan reminds me of the plankton on Sponge Bob- where the little weirdo keeps trying to amplify himself anyway he can, his mouth gets others confused and he doesn't have the best in mind for those around him. Ha- and he lives in the ironic Bikini Bottom.
            In total there are four dances I will be in- Hula to "The Prayer" Hawaiian version, Mighty Spirit, Tahitian and the couples dance. The moves are only part of the dance to work with but the heart speaks louder. I am enjoying the couple's dance with my brother Frank who is my partner for now. We both don't have it all together but we have a fun connection and end up laughing together walking out of the studio. The girls in the dorm corridor (picture will be up soon) are free to give and are all so friendly. They emphasize living community style as in lend and give freely. If one has a need know that God gave you what you have so it is not yours to begins with. That too is a part of stewardship by supplying the body of Christ with what they have even if it is little.
             There is this precious time with Jesus and I, but I have carried other issues and concerns here that I didn't think would affect me so much. Relinquishing rights means smack down surrender. We will hold on-as humans attachment is part of our nature but the Holy Spirit gives us the timing to embrace and time to refrain. Living the life of faith is a rush- and I want to live it. Yet God gives us a choice and it is wise to count the cost, like we learned in class. To give God the time to really ponder His word and all that most would leave behind. My heart is really feeling the Bible, and the Holy Spirit is breaking these walls that have made the pages to thick to feel. Now is the time to practice washing people's feet and it begins with those we live with.
           The colors here are so rich and I enjoy spending time by the ocean and the two water fountains they have on campus. I do believe the waters have a healing sound and affect on the body. Time to rest the soul, time to receive from the Lord. Any Curious Questions you would like to ask? Please do so! Make this thing interactive rather than a journal entry. I am so grateful for all the eyes that have looked upon this page. Buenos noches!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing, Annie! Every line-quoteable. The Lord is so insanely personal and has so much potential he wants to rise in us, the only gate is just what you said: smack-down surrender! I love it. I've been noticing this so much, just how stubborn we are with God. Everyone is. Nobody has an excuse. There's only one beautiful response, utter and ruthless surrender. "Now is the time to practice washing people's feet and it begins with those we live with." "Preach the Gospel always, especially to those closest to you (in relationship)." B.Hunter
    Thanks for the encouragement, Annie! Praying for you, sister. And nice Shaka! :)
